
Final Year Student

11:24 PM
Repost from my facebook account. Just remind me to be always grateful for everything I have. August 4, 2018 It's been a long time since I wrote status on my facebook account. Now I'd like to sharing about my final year student life. So here we go.. October 2017 Start doing my minithesis after got rejected 2 times when propose the title. I...



American Horror Story Season 7: Cult

10:51 PM
Just finished watching 11 episodes of American Horror Story Season 7. A lil bit different from previous seasons. There's no ghost, witches or mystical creatures in this season. Only bunch of psycopaths wear clown costume trying to scare US citizen by killing people. They believe that fear can control people to choose Kai Anderson (Evan Peters), cult's leader, as city council. Kai is...